Homepage Competitors Gürol Menderes

Gürol Menderes

Competitor Info
Country : Turkey (TR)
Gender : Male
Date of Death : 29.12.2005
Car : Lada Samara
Group/Class : A-6
Co-Driver : Hürol Menderes
Pilot Kms : 1013,14 km
Co-Pilot Kms : 0,00 km
Average Speed : 56,99 km/h
Finish Ratio : %72,7 (8/11)
Participated Races
1  Castrol Istanbul Rally Championship 2002 3. Castrol Istanbul Rally Driver
2  Castrol Istanbul Rally Championship 2002 2. Castrol Istanbul Rally Driver
3  Turkish Rally Championship 2002 29. Hitit Rally Driver
4  Turkish Rally Championship 2002 23. Pirelli Rally Driver
5  Castrol Istanbul Rally Championship 2002 1. Castrol Istanbul Rally Driver
6  Turkish Rally Championship 2001 26. Yesil Bursa Rally Driver
7  Turkish Rally Championship 2000 29. Rally of Turkey Driver
8  Turkish Rally Championship 1999 28. Rally of Turkey Driver
9  Turkish Rally Championship 1999 20. Pirelli Sipahi - Kocibey Rally Driver
10  Turkish Rally Championship 1998 27. Rally of Turkey Driver
11  Turkish Rally Championship 1997 5. Istanbul Rally Driver
12  Istanbul Local Rally Championship 1997 5. Istanbul Rally Driver
13  Turkish Rally Championship 1997 26. Rally of Turkey Driver
14  Turkish Rally Championship 1995 3. Istanbul Rally Driver
15  Turkish Rally Championship 1995 16. Ali Sipahi Rally Driver